Archive for the ‘coconut bliss’ Category

Update on Coconut Bliss Ice Cream

I’m a genius!  The Coconut Bliss raw ice cream turned out heavenly.   (click here for recipe.)
This recipe is soooo good and ridiculously easy!  After I blended the ingredients together, I put the chocolate mixture in ice cube trays and froze them.  Then I put the cubes in a food processor and blended until it was nice and creamy.  It was really just as good as the ice cream bars.  I can’t wait to experiment with other flavors! 

You can also make cashew ice cream.  Try this:

2 cups soaked cashews
2 cups water
1 cup dark agave
2 tsp vanilla

Blend in the Vitamix until creamy.  I then put this mixture in ice cube trays also.  When they were frozen, I put them through the Champion juicer with the blank blade in.  The Champion is sweet for making ice creams because it gives a perfect creamy texture to whatever frozen mixture you put through it.  Sometimes I will just run frozen fruit through it for sherbet.  It’s delicious!

I, personally, find the cashew based ice creams very rich and dense…almost too much for me.  But, if I eat the cashew ice cream with the coconut based ice cream which has a lighter texture, the combination is unbelievable!

I’m going to make both of these ice creams at my next class on Tuesday, June 22nd.  So, if you’re around, come give your mouth something to smile about.  Please RSVP if you’re going to come!  I want to make sure I have enough delicious goodness for everyone.

Coconut Bliss…My Own Version

My only weaknesses with dairy are ice cream, frozen yogurt and an occasional bite of cheese…but that’s pretty rare.  Mostly it’s the ice cream and yogurt that make me weak in the knees.  That’s rare, too, because I’ve also been plagued (or blessed…however you want to look at it) with an intolerance for lactose, so I rarely allow myself to indulge.  At least I can enjoy a rice or soy substitute now and then…and most recently Coconut Bliss chocolate cream bars.  Yummmm…..I’m thinking about them sitting in my freezer right now and just might have to take a break writing this to get get one!

This month Britta and I are focusing our raw classes on dairy substitutes, and my class will specifically address the divine desserts.  I’m determined to make my own raw homemade version of Coconut Bliss.  It can’t be hard…there are only 5 ingredients…agave, cacao, coconut milk, vanilla and guar gum for texture.  How hard can it be?

I decided to give it a try, so I just concocted my first batch and it’s waiting patiently in the freezer to set up.  I’m confident this will be almost as good as the real deal, because I could hardly stop tasting it before I put it in the freezer.  Coconut is definitely my favorite ice cream base!  Plus, coconuts are high in germ fighting and heart protective properties, and the fat in coconut actually stimulates metabolism!  Read more about the great health benefits of coconut here.

As for the ice cream, these are the ratios I used:

Coconut Cacao Bars

1 cup coconut milk
4 TBS cacao powder 
1/2 Cup dark agave (I used Essential Living Foods brand because I trust it to be raw)
1 tsp vanilla
3 ice cubes

Blend in the Vitamix.  I poured the mixture into an ice cube tray and when it sets up, I will pass it through the Champion juicer using the blank blade….or maybe I’ll just eat them straight from the ice cube tray.  We’ll see how much patience I have. 

I’ll let you know how it goes.  In the meantime, if you just can’t wait to make your own, run down to your nearest health food store and grab a box of the original Coconut Bliss Bars.  You’ll be very happy you did.  🙂