Archive for the ‘apple cider vinegar’ Category

Apple Cider Smoothie

‘Tis the season of apples!  These high fiber, vitamin-rich jewels are literally falling from the trees right now.  I’ve been adding them to my smoothies in the morning and have found a delicious combination that I must share. 

I add a little apple cider vinegar to it to give it a kick and to get my hydrochloric acid going for better digestion.  ACV also helps your body absorb the minerals from your food better…great for splashing over your greens to absorb as much calcium as possible! 

Apple Cider Smoothie:

2 bananas
2 medium apples
2 Tbs apple cider vinegar
1 Cup distilled water or nut milk

Add spices to taste:
Ground ginger
2-3 drops of Stevia

If you have these things on hand and want to amp up your nutritional content, try adding:
1-2 oz aloe vera juice
1 Tbs Vitamineral greens (order from  or a big handful of whatever green leaves you have…kale, lettuce, chard, etc.
1 Tbs spirulina crunchies (order from

Blend everything together and enjoy!

p.s….if you’re one of the only people in Salt Lake who doesn’t either own an apple tree or know someone who does, and you’d like some free apples, let me know…you can come harvest from my tree!