Why I Love Raw Foods!

I’ve been intrigued lately by the things that people are passionate about.  There are so many unique passions in the world!  Recently, I met a girl who loves geography and geology…rocks, earth, dirt…absolutely fascinating to her. 
Another friend of mine has a super unique passion…Halloween!  She spends her days writing Halloween carols and researching and writing about the origins of Halloween traditions. 
Where do these passions come from, I ask myself?  Why is one person completely thrilled studying desert rock when someone else would rather be writing songs?  Don’t you think there must be some purpose for why we care about what we do?
This has led me to ask myself about my own passions.  Why do I love health and raw foods so much?  Is there more to this than just creating fun, healthy food to share with people?  What is the purpose of my passion and what more can I do to make it meaningful for myself and others? 
Raw food to me started out as a health quest.  I had so many stomach issues growing up.  When I was 25 I discovered that it just may have something to do with the food I was eating.  So, I began my journey that led to gluten-free products, dairy free substitutes and then to organic produce, throwing out the microwave, and eventually to a diet of predominately raw foods. 
On the way, though, I discovered how grossly abused the animals are that are raised for meat on conventional factory farms and being a vegetarian became more of an animal rights issue than just another food to eliminate from my diet because it was hard to digest. 
I learned that doing the majority of my shopping in the fresh produce section rather than purchasing a lot of packaged or canned food would not only make my meals more nutritious but would also help keep garbage out of the landfills and cut back on waste.  Sounds like a reasonable thing to do. 
And after learning about how eating as much local produce as possible and growing my own garden could help reduce gasoline used for transporting food across the country, I began to understand that my new passion for raw foods was really just a stepping stone for a bigger cause that involves caring for and preserving our Earth.
To take it one step further, I’ve been asking myself, why do I feel this need to defend Mother Nature anyway?  This is where spirit comes in.  The more I take the time to learn about and care for the Earth and enjoy and appreciate the nourishment she offers, the more connected I feel to the Earth’s divinity. 
In fact, I see God now in everything that’s alive.  How does something as simple as a blade of grass continue to grow in spite of being cut, tromped on and weathered?  I remember the first time I sat staring at grass pondering the miracle of life that is in it, I thought, this must be what it’s like to be on an acid trip!  😛  The living grass was so amazing to me….and I made the connection that God IS life.  God is that energy in everything alive that makes it..well, alive.  Therefore, to be respectful and honoring towards our living Earth and every creature that exists on it, is to be respectful and honoring towards God. 
To love and appreciate and put LIVING food in my body is to ingest the living energy of God.  What a beautiful concept!  Why wouldn’t I want to take care of this loving, living planet we call home?  It’s a direct connection to God. 

Eating as much raw, living food as possible not only makes my body feel better, but when I am conscious of why I choose to eat this way, I realize that it is so much more.  It benefits Mother Earth and nourishes my spirit as well.  I love that this is my passion!

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