If you’ve every tried making dehydrated bread before, perhaps your experience has gone something like mine…hard on the outside and gooey in the middle! I’ve tried several recipes that turned out okay, but this one really impressed me. It has a moist but firm texture and is bursting with taste. Britta shared this recipe with our class last Tuesday and everyone really enjoyed it. If you haven’t had good luck with raw bread before, this is one bread recipe that will really surprise you!

Sun-dried Tomato Bread

2 c of sprouted buckwheat

1 c sunflower seeds

1 c sun-dried tomatoes, soaked

2 garlic cloves

Approximately 1 – 2 T olive oil

Approximately 1 – 2 t sea salt

Handful of fresh herbs (i.e. thyme, rosemary, basil and oregano)

1 large tomato

3 T flax seeds

Blend all ingredients together in food processor (start with the seeds and buckwheat, then pulse in the remaining ingredients). When it looks like a ‘batter’, spread evenly on Teflex-lined dehydrator (about 1/4 to 1/2″ thick). Dehydrate for about 3 hours at 110 degrees. Flip over and dehydrate for another 8 hours. Cut into squares and enjoy!

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